
Google Shares Temporary Solution to Avoid Random Data Deletion

In a surprising turn of events, some Google Drive users have reported experiencing random data deletions, sparking concerns and uncertainty among the user base. Despite being close to the global deletion date, users found themselves grappling with unexpected data losses. While Google has yet to provide a comprehensive explanation for this issue, the tech giant has publicly acknowledged the problem and is actively investigating the matter. This article delves into the details surrounding the Google Drive data deletion incidents, the temporary solutions proposed by Google, and the ongoing efforts to address and resolve this unexpected challenge.

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Background of the Issue:

Over the past week, reports surfaced of Google Drive users encountering random data deletions, raising alarms about the security and reliability of the widely used cloud storage platform. The incidents, notably limited to the desktop app for Google Drive, have left users perplexed about the potential loss of their important files and documents. It’s crucial to note that iOS and Android users appear to be unaffected, as the issue seems to be isolated to the desktop application.

Google’s Response:

Acknowledging the severity of the situation, Google has officially recognized the problem and assured users that its team is actively investigating the root cause. While the company works diligently to identify the source of the issue, it has shared a set of temporary solutions to help users safeguard their data from unexpected deletions. This proactive approach aims to provide users with immediate steps to mitigate the risks associated with the ongoing problem.

Temporary Solutions Proposed by Google:

In response to the Google Drive data deletion incidents, Google has recommended specific actions for users to take in order to minimize the potential impact on their data. The suggested temporary solutions include:

1. Avoiding “Disconnect account” within Drive for desktop:

Users are advised not to click on the “Disconnect account” option within the Drive for desktop application. This precautionary measure aims to prevent unintended actions that might exacerbate the data deletion issue.

2. Avoiding deletion or movement of the app data folder:

Google emphasizes that users should refrain from deleting or moving the app data folder associated with the Google Drive desktop application. The designated folders for Windows and macOS are:
– Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\DriveFS
– macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/DriveFS

3. Optional backup of the app data folder:

As an additional precaution, Google suggests users make a copy of the app data folder if there is available space on their hard drives. This step adds an extra layer of protection in the event of unforeseen issues.

Google’s Ongoing Investigation:

While the temporary solutions aim to provide immediate relief to users, Google acknowledges that these are interim measures. The company is actively delving into the complexities of the issue and is committed to finding a permanent solution. As the investigation unfolds, Google is working to determine the scope of the problem and assess whether all affected users will be able to recover their lost data once the underlying cause is identified.

Uncertainties and Updates:

As of now, there is no clarity on the extent of data loss suffered by users or whether a complete restoration of deleted files will be possible. Google, however, reassures users that updates on the matter will be provided in a timely manner. The company acknowledges the urgency of the situation and aims to keep users informed as they work towards a comprehensive resolution.



The unexpected data deletion incidents on Google Drive have prompted swift action from the tech giant, with Google actively investigating the issue and offering temporary solutions to affected users. While uncertainties remain regarding the extent of data loss and the potential for recovery, the company’s commitment to transparency and ongoing updates instills a level of confidence. As users implement the suggested temporary measures, they await further information from Google on a permanent solution and the possibility of recovering their lost data. The evolving nature of this situation underscores the challenges in ensuring the reliability of widely used digital platforms and the imperative of swift, effective responses to unexpected technical glitches.

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