
This AI Fitness Influencer Makes $11,000 a Month And Was Asked Out By a Celebrity

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, a new star has emerged from the synthetic fabric of cyberspace. Aitana López, a 25-year-old pink-haired virtual model hailing from Barcelona, is not just any influencer – she’s the creation of The Clueless Agency, designed entirely by artificial intelligence. With her impressive monthly earning potential of up to €10,000, Aitana is testament to a groundbreaking shift in the advertising landscape.

Photo by The Clueless

Aitana’s Genesis: The Clueless Agency and the Need for Predictability

Conceived amidst a business slump last summer, Aitana was the brainchild born out of the need for predictability in the unpredictable world of influencer marketing. Rubén Cruz, Aitana’s creator and the founder of The Clueless Agency, recalls the challenges faced with real-life influencers: “Many projects were being put on hold or canceled due to problems beyond our control. Often, it was the fault of the influencer or model.” This led to the creation of an attractive virtual model with all the desired attributes minus the unpredictable attitudes that could cost the agency money.

“We did it so that we could make a better living and not be dependent on other people who have egos, who have manias, or who just want to make a lot of money by posing,” says Cruz. Thus, Aitana was meticulously crafted to represent a “strong and determined woman,” carefully calibrated to appeal to online fans and brands.

Crafting Aitana’s Persona: The Art of Virtual Personality

Aitana’s creation wasn’t an overnight endeavor involving a few random AI queries. The Clueless design team put considerable thought into crafting her persona, mirroring the tastes, hobbies, and niches that have been trending in recent years. For instance, her pink hair reflects the style of gamer culture, a niche that has seen significant growth. Cruz explains, “We created her based on what society likes most. We thought about the tastes, hobbies, and niches that have been trending in recent years.”

Her personality is a careful blend of characteristics meant to resonate with online audiences. Aitana, despite being virtual, doesn’t smile all the time, portraying a complexity and a hint of self-centeredness. She’s designed as an extrovert with a caring, sensitive side, offering a multifaceted virtual personality that goes beyond the conventional influencer mold.

Aitana’s Virtual Success Story Unfolds

Since Aitana’s debut last summer, the virtual influencer has garnered significant attention and engagement on Instagram, boasting over 121,000 followers. Aitana may not be real, but her fans are, and she has successfully piqued curiosity and engagement, leaving some admirers shocked to discover that she’s entirely AI-generated.

In a surprising twist, Aitana’s popularity even reached the realm of real-world celebrities, with one Latin-American actor, boasting millions of followers, expressing interest in a date with the virtual influencer. This unexpected turn of events underscores the seamless integration of Aitana into the social media landscape, blurring the lines between the real and the virtual.

The Clueless Agency’s Vision and Critics’ Concerns

While Aitana’s virtual existence has proven to be a success for The Clueless Agency, it has not been without its share of criticisms. Many see the trend of virtual influencers as a threat to real-life influencers, potentially taking money out of their pockets and creating a confusing landscape where authenticity is uncertain.

Critics also express concern over the unrealistic standards set by AI models, fearing that highly sexualized images in marketing could contribute to negative self-comparisons and feelings of inadequacy, particularly among young girls. However, Cruz argues that AI models like Aitana keep the marketplace competitive, enabling brands with smaller budgets to afford social influencers who might command substantial fees.

IG @fit_aitana

Beyond Aitana: The Future of AI Influencers

The success of Aitana has prompted The Clueless Agency to expand its virtual influencer roster, introducing a second virtual model named Maia. The agency has found itself inundated with requests from brands eager to develop their own custom-tailored AI ambassadors. This trend not only reflects the growing acceptance of virtual influencers but also suggests a potential shift in the advertising industry, where AI becomes an integral part of brand representation.

As the dialogue around virtual influencers continues, Aitana’s existence may herald a future where AI and the aesthetics of contemporary society coalesce to redefine branding and beauty. The Clueless Agency’s experiment with virtual influencers poses intriguing questions about the future of marketing, challenging traditional notions of celebrity endorsements and pushing the boundaries of what is considered authentic in the digital age.

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